Thursday 3 May 2018

Working after the BPTC

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for your ongoing support since my last post. As some of you know, I have been working at Age UK as a Policy & Research Officer/ Campaigns Support Officer and then as a freelance Tutor.

I think for aspiring Barristers, post BPTC working, should revolve around 3 questions:

1. Does this role make me a better Barrister?
2. Will this role make me stand out?
3. Does this role make me feel like I am contributing to a charity/ company/ cause?

For me, working at Age UK was an easy choice. The work was heavily law-based, I gained experience speaking to Parliamentarians, Government Officials, Lawyers and Service Users. It also helped me go back to the real reason I ever pursued law in the first place, to represent the underrepresented. Working with older people, carers, people living with dementia and the government, taught me to be humble, to remember why the law is so important and to always centre my advice, policy recommendations and research around the people who will be affected by the decisions I am trying to influence. On a personal level I learnt where my value lies: in my ability to understand the real life impact of complex legal issues. 

As some of you will know, my choice to join Age UK also involved my rejection of a very well known 'Big 4' consultancy. Here, now, after I have completed my contract at Age UK and accepted my next challenge, I still have no regrets. I am hoping to blog about that decision as well as my tutoring business very soon.

Thanks again for all of your messages of support and encouragement!