
Sunday 26 July 2015

Clinical Negligence... a constant battle but not between Lawyers and Doctors

Dear Readers,
My apologies for not posting sooner. I thought I should keep you updated with my current articles that are in the pipeline as I prepare for to start my Bar Professional Training Course. Given Mr Hunts recent comments on the competence and work ethic of doctors in the NHS I thought I would publish a couple of clinical negligence and medical law based articles. In the pipeline at the moment I have a couple of articles, one on the costs and procedure in clinical negligence cases and how the NHS could reduce these to save money and the second on the recent Facebook scandal relating to selling organs online and whether or not a commercial market for transplant organs would be legal or desirable. Thank you for your patience I hope you enjoy reading my new set of articles soon. Also thanks again for your containing endorsements and support. I love to hear from you on twitter and Facebook and it humbles me to know that so many of you are inspired to research, write and take an interest in law because of Legal Luminance.
Every kind wish,