
Monday 1 June 2015

Law LLB is over

Dear All,
Thank you for all your kind wishes these past few months. As most of you know I finished my Law LLB at QMUL last week which is why I haven't posted since March! I thought after some much needed sleep now was a good time to update you with my progress and plans for Legal Luminance. As some of you already know back in April I was lucky enough to receive a Lord Denning scholarship from Lincoln's Inn which means my BPTC year is being funded for me. Of course this is amazing news not just for me but it also means you lucky people on here will get a first hand insight into life at BPP Bar school and with any  luck life at the Bar of England and Wales. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who helped me prepare for my interview, offered me publication deals and opportunities and generally just sent kind words of encouragement. I will be posting a realistic and hopefully winning formula for tackling the Lincoln's Inn scholarship interviews in due course which I know many of you requested. I will also be posting shortly about my route to BPTC and general tips for gaining a place at one of London's immensely competitive but fabulous Bar schools. Finally at some point in the near future I will be aiming to publish my paper on Human Rights reform and why Mr Cameron has scrapped it from this year's Queen's speech to parliament and hopefully I may even have time to throw some light on my Bar ambitions and the areas I have worked and wish  to work in next year.
Thank you so much for your time and patience.
Every kind wish,